According to research conduct by various medical centers, varicocele is one major causes of infertility in males. Statistics show that 15,000 of every 100,000 boys who are aged 15 years and above usually suffer from this nightmare. Specialists have discovered the occurrence of this illness even in boys as young as 2 years. If there is no better cure other than surgery, then the rate of infertility in males is doomed to keep hyping.

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However, thanks to Grocare India which offers natural treatment and formulations to deal with various medical problems common in our millennial generation. Grocare is one of the best solution providers for various chronic lifestyle diseases and disorders including varicocele. That means you don’t have to suffer anymore with varicocele and consequently no more hassles of surgery.

Since 1950, when Grocare India was established, their priority has been their patients’ health. They have been offering solutions that are very affordable and accessible to anyone who visits them. Their Ayurvedic treatment outstands in the sense that it doesn’t have any side effect or any added chemicals. All their Ayurvedic medicines are well-researched and FDA-approved. With more than 5,000 patients globally healed naturally, you can trust the Ayurvedic treatment to cater to your needs. Here are some of the subtopics at glance:

  • What’s Ayurvedic treatment?
  • What’s Varicocele?
  • What causes Varicocele?
  • What are the signs and symptoms of Varicocele?
  • How does Varicocele cause male infertility?
  • How to treat varicocele.

Let’s get started.

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What’s Ayurvedic Treatment?

Basically, this is a holistic healing system that was developed in India 3,000 years ago. The system is based on the balance between all the exchange places of a human being which are the body, soul, and the spirit. It aims at having a patient with good health which consequently eliminates any disorder in them. This natural treatment offered at Grocare India is what is referred to as Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).

When the balance between a person and the universe is hit, then diseases will come to an end. This is because every person (body, soul, and spirit) is connected to the universe (space, water, earth, air, and fire). When these two combine they control how your body works using the 3 forces they form called doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It is believed that your health issues are connected to the balance of the 3 doshas.

The Ayurvedic practitioners usually come up with a treatment that is tailored to your balances of the 3 forces. The aim is to restore balance and consequently harmony between the doshas. In achieving the balance you can receive massage, herbs, laxatives, blood purification or medical oils. This is what heals your varicocele disorder naturally without undergoing any surgery. So, what is varicocele? Let’s look at this males’ nightmare.

What’s Varicocele?

This can be referred to as a disease that occurs in males characterized with an abnormal enlargement of scrotum (this is a bag like structure that usually carries testes in various males; both human and some mammals). This swelling of scrotum is mainly due to the pampiniform venous plexus enlarging more than its normal size.

What is pampiniform venous plexus? This is a network of veins that are related to the scrotum. When the dilation of these testicular veins occurs, then varicocele is automatically the nest thing. Dilation of these veins could be caused by defective valves or when the veins are compressed.

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What Causes Varicocele?

According to a study by the United States National Library of Medicine, varicocele usually occurs in almost 20% of all men where 40,000 of 1000,000 men diagnosed with reduced fertility suffer from this disorder. According to this study, the disease increases its severity with age where the rate is very high during adolescence and in the adulthood.

There is a network of veins that surround the spermatic cord. Since veins have valves in them, in case they dysfunction, there is blood backflow into the scrotum. This leads to stagnation of blood around the testes which are responsible for sperm production. They require very low temperature for them to function effectively and efficiently and when blood stagnates around them, the temperature increases leading to low sperm count/production and eventually infertility.

This blood stagnation is what leads to swelling, fluid collection around the scrotum hence the occurrence of varicocele. Basically, this disease is a gradual process, which becomes severe with time. At the onset of it, there could be no identifiable symptoms at all by it can be diagnosed easily for males between 13-30 years.

But what really causes this varicocele in males? Well, there are four major causes which include:

  • Testicular veins receiving much pressure from the surrounding body structures
  • Renal cell cancer
  • Incompetence of the valves in the veins that
  • Nutcracker syndrome – some of the common signs of this syndrome include blood in the urine, some abdominal pains, chronic fatigue, difficulty when urinating, and pain during intercourse, anemia, and being light-headed among others.

When this disease affects your reproductive system, it can be classified into 3 types:

  1. Grade 1/Small Varicocele – during this stage, the lump is small but it causes intra-abdominal pressure hence affecting how the veins function during their drainage. It can be identified through the Valsalva maneuver method.
  2. Grade 2/Moderate or medium Varicocele – the lump in this stage is medium in size and through palpation, it is identified.
  3. Grade 3/Large Varicocele – during this stage the lump is large enough to be identified with the visual inspection method.

Although the above-mentioned causes are the major ones, there are other factors that can affect the rate of varicocele occurring and in case one has it unknowingly, these factors make the symptoms more severe. They include:

  • The type of activity one is involved in
  • The kind of diet one is taking
  • Having stomach and entire bowel complications
  • Having very high testicular temperatures
  • Being involved in smoking
  • Alcoholism etc.

Most of the times, varicocele occurs on the left side simply because the testicular vein in the left is superior and has a higher pressure because of its 90-degree connection to the left renal vein. Right-sided varicocele is very rare among the male. Let’s have a look at the signs and symptoms of this disease.

Also Read : Varicocele Ayurvedic Treatment

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Varicocele?

As noted before, Varicocele rare occurs on the right side because the right testicular vein usually drains directly into vena cava which is an inferior vein compared to the renal vein in the left side. Nevertheless, whether, the disease occurred on the left or on the right side, it displays similar signs and symptoms. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Vein Enlargement – this is a major sign that is usually seen or felt with fingers. The vein around the testis which is in the scrotum usually gets enlarged. This doesn’t require any testing to know, it can be easily observed with touching.
  • Scrotum swelling – this is the lump that occurs around the testis in the scrotum. The lump usually forms when there is backflow of blood back to the testicles causing stagnancy of the blood in the scrotum. With time, there is swelling which can be clearly seen or felt
  • Testicle heaviness – when this lump and enlargement occurs, you feel heavy in your testicles and you become uncomfortable. Don’t ignore the heaviness, it could be a sign that varicocele is developing.
  • Hormone alteration – there is a drastic change in the level of testosterone hormone that is produced by your reproductive system. This is the hormone that enables the development of masculine features like beards, muscles, and deep voice among others
  • Prostate gland enlargement – the prostate gland in men is usually found at the bottom of the urinary bladder. This gland usually gets enlarged when varicocele is in you. This enlargement of the prostate gland is known as the Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)
  • Painful scrotum – the victim of this disease usually have pains around and in the scrotum and testis. These pains maybe very sharp in some people while in others it is dull. The victims experience a dragging-like pain in the testicles.
  • Urinary problems – when the prostate gland enlarges, it compresses the urinary bladder which makes it hard to urinate properly. This makes the victim have frequent need to urinate and usually some few drops of urine are always left after every passing out.
  • Testicle shrinking – if both testicles are affected, they tend to shrink abnormally. There is the normal shrinking that usually happens to the testicles when it is very hot. When you see one testicle especially the one on the left side, then that could be a sign that you’re suffering from varicocele. This condition of the shrinking of the testicle(s) is referred to as Atrophy.
  • Low sperm production – since testes are responsible for the production of sperm, their levels tend to decrease because of the unfavorable condition brought about by the stagnant blood in the scrotum.
  • Lower abdominal pains – the pains in the testis and scrotum sometimes is felt in the lower abdomen. Besides, when there is inflammation in the urinary bladder, you can feel the pains in the abdomen.
  • Higher testes temperature – the malfunctioning of the network of veins around the testes disables the major function of the veins which is giving a cooling effect to the testis. Varicocele makes the veins dysfunctional.

It is worth noting that there is secondary varicocele which usually occurs when the venous drainage in the testicle is compressed. Besides, when there is an abdominal or pelvic malignancy, the secondary varicocele can easily occur. Nutcracker syndrome which creates pressure on the pampiniform plexus is another cause of this disease. However, renal cell carcinoma and retroperitoneal fibrosis are the major causes of secondary varicocele.

Nutcracker syndrome usually causes the mesenteric artery to compress the renal vein in the left which results into pressure build up in the vein networks. Irrespective of the development stage of varicocele, you are likely going to have the above signs and symptoms. Don’t wait until the disease has hit its climax; just go for Ayurvedic treatment from Grocare India.

How Does Varicocele Cause Male Infertility?

According to the United States National Library of Medicine, at least 40,000 of 1000,000 men across the globe who are diagnosed with reduced fertility usually suffer from varicocele making them dysfunction. If this disease is not diagnosed early enough, the probability of a male becoming infertile is very high. But how does it happen?

Well, since the spermatic cord is surrounded by a network of veins, whenever they fail, they cause a lot of harm. In these veins, there are valves which usually prevent backflow of the blood. Varicocele emerges when these valves dysfunctions making the blood to flow backward and downward. This results to blood stagnation in the scrotum around the testis. Consequently, swelling and lump occurs leading to varicocele disease.

The network of the veins draining the testicle which is commonly referred to as pampiniform plexus has a major function of lowering the temperatures of the testicles. These optimal temperatures enhance sperm production and formation. High temperatures around the testis bring about testicle shrinking and discourage sperm formation. This results in infertility because no sperms are produced in the testis. But this condition can be treated effectively.

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How to Treat Varicocele

Despite the disease being diagnosed in 20% of men across the globe, the good news is that, at Grocare India, the disease can be treated without any surgery through Ayurvedic treatment. When you visit this healthcare center, the first thing is the diagnosis of the disease before offering the treatment. This enables the experienced experts to know the type of varicocele.

There are 4 types of diagnosis used which include:

  • Palpation – this is where you diagnose by touching. You will feel a non-tender spot in the scrotum
  • Ultrasound – it is considered the most reliable method because it makes the doctor see clearly the dilation of the veins.
  • Doppler ultrasound – this ultrasound enables the doctor to see how the blood is flowing in the veins around the testicles. It helps n noticing, backflows.
  • Seeing – you may realize that one testicle is larger than the other especially the left side

Varicocele can be treated using 3 methods namely:

  • Surgery – the side effects of surgery include infection, injury of the scrotal tissues and to the arteries, hydrocele and even hematoma. The hydrocele condition is where the fluid accommodates around the infected testicle while hematoma is bleeding of the tissues.
  • Embolization – a small wire is used to drain the testicles. In this treatment, testes are exposed to destructive radiation.
  • Ayurvedic treatment – this is perhaps the best way to treat this disease where you don’t involve any radiation or surgery. The Ayurvedic practitioner in Grocare India usually creates a treatment that’s basically designed for you. The aim is to bring a balance and harmony in how your tissues and cells work. Through their massage, medical oils, laxatives, and blood purification products, the valves in the veins are strengthened to resume their duty.


Ayurvedic treatment is the greatest way you can treat varicocele without the side effects seen in case of surgery and embolization. Visit for more information.