Rafi Chowdhury

Side Hustle

Side hustles have become increasingly popular over recent years, and many people take advantage of the opportunity to earn money from work they do in addition to their day job. That’s really all a side hustle is, a way to make extra cash in the evenings and weekends by doing freelance work or running a small business.

The Internet has made it possible to run all manner of side hustles from home, even if you have limited free time, but why would you want to put in all that extra effort and sacrifice your free time for a few more dollars?

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Testing the waters

If you have what you think is a great idea for a business, but you don’t have the financial ability or maybe lack the confidence to leave your job to run your own business, then starting out with a side hustle is an excellent way of testing the waters. If the business idea is something you feel passionate about, then devoting your spare time to it won’t feel too arduous.Plus if it proves to be successful, you then have the proof you need to go into it full-time. Start with a small-scale version of your grand plan, with a view to scaling up in the future.

The investment required will be much smaller than if you were diving into a full-time business, and you will still have your day job to take care of your financial responsibilities.

A change of direction

Sometimes you follow a career path that seems right when you leave college; or you take on a part-time job and simply stay, working your way up the career ladder. Even vocational jobs like medicine and law can lose their appeal for some people, but when you’ve invested so much time and effort into a career,and you’re earning a decent salary, it can be hard to know how to extricate yourself. If you’re thinking of a career change, then getting a side hustle could be a great way of finding out if you’re suited to a different career.

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For example, say you were a kindergarten teacher, but had grown tired of your work and were looking for a new direction. If you had an interest in investments, found the stock exchange a fascinating concept, and relished the thrill of working under pressure in the finance industry, you could consider a role as a broker. You could have a look at the options for brokers on the Internet, and check out the reviews of companies offering day trading openings such as the tastyworks platform.

By dipping your toe in the water with your side hustle, you can try different jobs that you think may suit you, and find the right one without giving up your career before you’re ready.

These are just a couple of examples of ways in which side hustles can be tremendously helpful in furthering your career and achieving your goals. You may just feel you want to do anything that will make you enough money to do what you wish to in life, but even so, choosing a side hustle you can enjoy will make the experience much more rewarding.