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The “Eco-Friendly Sales Performance Metrics” dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of sales-related data. It includes analyses of total earnings and paid calls, highlights the top 5 consultants with sales revenue by month, and identifies highest, lowest, and average monthly revenues. It also offers insights into the percentage of paid and unpaid calls, training model fees by sales team, and enrolled courses by training level. Additionally, it showcases paid call duration statistics, advertising spend by channel, total sales by sales team, and top-performing consultants and training models. The dashboard allows for effective performance evaluation and decision-making within the Eco-Friendly sales team.
Cohort Analysis on Online Retail Data
This project involves performing cohort analysis on retail data using SQL queries. Through categorizing customers based on their first purchase month, insights into customer behavior, retention rates, revenue trends, and lifetime value are extracted to inform business strategies and decisions.
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