The valve is often overlooked in its importance in a modern technological society. It is essential to various manufacturing processes, supply systems, and energy production. The valve is used to control the mechanism that usually produces liquid or gases.
Depending on the type of valve, it can handle molten metal to cryogenic temperature levels. It can also control high pressure coming from the machines or pipes.
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Its usefulness is dated back to ancient times. No one can clearly pinpoint the exact time In history when valves were discovered. It was the Romans who recognized the existence of valves. The Romans built sophisticated water systems that needed valves to prevent backflow. In ancient history, the manufacturing of valves was simple. In the present time, valves have evolved with its meticulous manufacturing process.
Two Manufacturing Process Types of Valves
There are two different ways to manufacture valves, namely forge and cast processing. Various manufacturing companies such as Huamei produce high-caliber valves as they underwent a rigorous process. The choice of which type of manufacturing process will be used depends on the preferability and usage of the industry that will utilize the valve.
Forging is also the method used in creating swords and knives. This makes forged valves to develop their reputation of being durable. The types of valves created from forging are capable of handling high temperatures and pressurized systems.
Forged valves undergo the process of shaping alloys and metals in their solid form. Tools and heat are used to bend the materials. The “die” process cuts and shapes the metals to create specific valves.
A forged valve has less thickness with more refined metal. This gives the metal additional strength. Forging prevents common valve problems like cracks and porosity.
The forging method benefits industrial companies as it lessens wastage. Forged valves have very little need to rework its materials since the metal is shaped into one solid piece.
Forging shapes solid materials while casting uses the materials’ liquid form to create valves. The metals used are melted into its molten liquid state. The liquid substance is poured into different valve molds. The manufacturer would wait until the liquid cools and hardens. The next process involves breaking out or ejecting the shaped valve from the mold holder.
The casting method has an advantage over the fact that it is able to create a wide range of patterns, shapes, and sizes. It can produce valves for intricate mechanisms that need a specific valve shape or size.
Companies utilize the casting method for its cost-effectiveness. It does not require intensive labor. The casting process saves time for the manufacturing companies to produce valves.
Specific Manufacturing Process for Forged Valves
Steel forging is one of the major processes involved in manufacturing valves. It is one of the oldest processes used to create metal items. The process involves pieces of metal bars cut into the desired length which are then heated. The heated metal piece is placed on a press where tons of force are used to mash it.
After the metal piece is mashed, the valve enters into the next step called the “die” process. There are two types used in steel forging. “Open-die” produces a component which is quite close to the desired shape of the valve.
The “closed-die” version produces pieces that need minimal machining. The closed-die process creates a part that will be removed during the second pressing operation.
After the item underwent the dying process, it goes through post-weld heat treatment. This is the stage where the final shape is done.
Specific Manufacturing Process for Die-Cast Valves
The casting process for valve production involves melting the materials. Once they reach their liquid state, they are poured into molds. Molding is the process of shaping a liquid or any pliable materials into a rigid frame that has a shape or matrix. A mold is a hollowed-out block. The liquid hardens inside the mold and adopts the shape of the frame.
The materials used for casting valves may not involve metals. They can be other pliable materials poured into a valve-shaped mold. This is a similar process on how plastic valves are created.
Which Manufacturing Process for Valves is Better?
Both manufacturing processes present their own advantages and disadvantages. Forging creates valves that are mostly uniform. This process guarantees that the valves produced are strong, uniform, durable and dense.
Valves made from casting can have problems such as scarring, corrosion, and cracks. The forging method prevents this method. On the other hand, the forging method is intensive labor. It is also hard to get specific valve shapes from forging since it involves forming a solid metal into a desired shape. This also leads to higher expenses in manufacturing.
Which manufacturing process is better? It would depend on the usage and need for the valve. The importance lies in the reliability and quality of the materials used by manufacturers. Businesses or personal buyers must look into reputable valve manufacturers in order to get high-performance valves that were manufactured with high-quality standards.
Manufacturing valves involves a meticulous and delicate process. It is highly important for consumers or business owners to look into the manufacturer, the process, and the materials used to create the valves. Both manufacturing processes have advantages and disadvantages. The choice depends on the valve application and the type of industry that will use it.