Rafi Chowdhury

Advertisement through videos and animations is attracting more visitors and engagements on social media. Instagram is very popular in the mean of getting lots of interactions from the users. According to survey 2019 the videos on Instagram attract 21% more visitors and users as compared to photos.

So this is the best opportunity for the people those are using the social media for advertisement purpose. There are lots of benefits and advantages from video marketing but plenty of people don’t know who to successful video marketing and how to get maximum views on the video.

Ways to Get Views on Instagram video

The following are the basic ways you need to follow if you want the views on your Instagram video in huge amount.

1. Make a Video Marketing Strategy

People are moving towards Instagram because they believe it is the best platform for video marketing. Yes, this is true but it is not enough, for successful video marketing you should have to do research well before taking the step.

For example, you should have to analyze the users which types of products and services they are looking for, at which place your product or service has more demand, which software or applications will be best for the video making and at which niche you need to create the videos and etc. These are all mentioned things you need to clarify before making and uploading the videos.

2. Use the Appropriate Dimension for Video

There is a concept between the people that the video dimension is affecting the views on the video which is the wrong concept. For making the video it is compulsory you should choose an appropriate video dimension. Instagram is offering the three dimensions for video are given below.

  • Square Video – There will be 1080 pixels in width and height as well as the dimension is 1:1.
  • Vertical Video – The pixel size in the vertical video is 1080 x 1920 and the dimension is 9:16.
  • Landscape Video – The pixel size is 1920 x 1080 and the dimension is 16:9.

In our suggestion, the landscape dimensions are not good for the Instagram video and if you want to get more views on Instagram videos Square video dimension is best for video marketing.

3. Choose the Time and Day For Video Uploading

Regularity and punctuality play a very important role in video marketing. In creating the video marketing strategy you should need to set the correct time and date for uploading the video if you did not upload the video on the correct time or date it can affect your followers and audience.

Time can be changed but changing the day cannot be compromised. You can lose lots of audience and followers in case of unpunctuality. So choose that time and day on which you can possible your availability. We recommend you to choose the day between Wednesday to Friday and Thursday is the best day and never uploads the video on weekends especially on Sunday.

4. Use Appropriate Hashtags

Using the hashtag in the content can increase the engagement and number of visitors. Almost every social media’s search engine looking for the hashtags while searching for any query. Always use the relevant hashtags in the caption of your video and never use the random hashtags because you want the users who are interested in the kind of content that you are sharing.

For example, if you are uploading the video related fashion then you can use the hashtags related to men clothes, women’s clothes, cosmetics and etc but remember should relevant to your video. Few things you need to keep in your mind while typing the hashtags.

  • Always use the hashtags with the hash sign
  • Don’t use the space in the hashtag, for joining the words you can use the underline
  • Don’t use more than 30 hashtags.