Rafi Chowdhury

There is nothing better than a well-made website. A website where you can find what you need, easily get advice and contact the person in charge. Plus, if the design of the website is in accordance with the content, surfing the website will be a joy. But, it is not easy to make a well-arranged website. There are certain guidelines that you need to follow, and important steps you need to take in order to launch your website and make it both user-friendly and informative. So, let us take a closer look at how to arrange content on your new website.

Best way to arrange content on your new website

The way that you arrange content on your new website can have a profound influence, especially if you are using your website to promote your business. The people that visit your website need to know what you are offering and how to get it. And, they need to know that in the first seconds of visiting your website. But, it is in your interest to keep people on your website as they might find other services or products that they need. So, should you plaster all of your information on your landing page? Or, should you make finding information a bit more difficult, in order to make people stay on your website longer?

The importance of the landing page

The best way to consider your website is as if it were telling a story. And, the person that comes to you needs to feel interested for your website in order to fully appreciate what it is all about. So, with this in mind, how should you arrange content on your new website? Let’s start off with your landing page. The landing page is arguably the most important aspect of your website. Especially if you consider your SEO advertising. People usually decide whether they are interested in your website in the first 10 seconds of visiting it. Therefore, it is not difficult to realize that you need to make your landing page absolutely perfect.

The better your landing page is, the more people you are going to attract to it.

Alt: A person on a laptop looking at a landing page.

On it, you need to showcase your website in as little information as possible. Consider it as if it were a trailer for the rest of your website. Upon visiting it the person should feel motivated to keep reading and to further explore your website. So, when designing your landing page, make sure that you make it easy to read and navigate.

Multiple landing pages

Is it better to make a single landing page or should you make multiple? Well, this depends on your website. If you have a small website that offers a single service, you can consider having a single landing page. But, if you are offering multiple services or multiple types of a single service, you need to have multiple. It is usually a good idea for a business to have multiple landing pages. This makes promoting the business easier as you can use your landing pages for marketing on Facebook and GMB. Plus, the more landing pages you have, the easier it will be to separate your website into comprehensive categories. This will make surfing your website and finding the necessary information much easier.

Carefully consider categories

People often underestimate the importance of categories. But, if you arrange content on your new website properly, you need to take them into consideration. This will require extensive knowledge of whatever your website is about. You need to familiarize yourself properly with the information you are presenting in order to separate it into comprehensive categories. These categories will serve as useful guidelines for people that are surfing your website. Finding specific information is much easier if you can narrow it down with categories. So, carefully think about the information you are going to post on your website and construct your categories accordingly.

Consider your categories carefully so that you won’t have to redo your website down the line.

Alt: A person researching categories on a laptop, which is something that you need to do in order to arrange content on your new website.

ce, you can consider having a single landing page. But, if you are offering multiple services or multiple types of a single service, you need to have multiple. It is usually a good idea for a business to have multiple landing pages. This makes promoting the business easier as you can use your landing pages for marketing on Facebook and GMB. Plus, the more landing pages you have, the easier it will be to separate your website into comprehensive categories. This will make surfing your website and finding the necessary information much easier.

Keep design in mind

One of the most important things to keep in mind when while you arrange content on your new website is the design. The way that your website is designed needs to be in accordance with the information you are presenting. By design we mean everything. From the colors and font you use to the way that your pages and posts are organized. It doesn’t make much sense that your website is about hardware and for it to have a floral theme. Just like it doesn’t make sense to make a website about garden decorations, with red and black themes in the background. Your website needs to have a certain theme to it. And that theme needs to related to both your information and the design. If the information and design clash, surfing your website will both confusing and unpleasant.

Easy to see, easy to use

If you are offering any services or interactions on your website, you need to have a simple idea in mind. And that is that the services, products, and interactions need to be easy to see and easy to use. The more steps a person needs to take in order to get a service and/or a product from you, the more time they have to change their minds. Once a person decides that they want to work with you, they need to be able to do so with a couple of clicks. This means that you should organize your website so that it is simple and intuitive. This may require you to talk with a professional web designer, as making something intuitive is not easy. But, by making your website intuitive and easy to use, you will attract more people to it.

The easier your website is to use, the better.

Alt: A person shopping on a website.

What you need to avoid

Along with smart decisions and elegant design, come pitfalls and mistakes that you need to avoid while you arrange content on your new website. Certain mistakes are just a matter of taste, and should not pose much of a problem even if you implement them. But, some of them can be quite detrimental to your whole website. So, you need to do yourself a favor and avoid implementing these aspects on your website.

Background music

Even though background music on websites is quite out of date, we can still sometimes see people trying to implement it on their websites. Well, don’t. There is no website in the world that requires background music. Things like that may have been popular while MySpace was around. But they are now they are useless and annoying. Even if you make a decent website with properly arranged information, you are going to deter people from reading it if you impose background music. Especially if it cannot be turned off. So, please, do not add music to your website.

Pop-up help

One thing that is, unfortunately, still quite present are the pop-up help windows. These are usually present on websites that offer some kind of service. People think that by offering immediate help, they will make website visitors more engaged to contact them. Well, this is definitely not the case. The last thing you need, while reading a page or a blog, is for an unwanted window to pop-up. Especially if it comes with some “BING!” sounds and the follow up “Can I help you?” noise. Most of us have a subconscious aversion to pop-up windows as they are usually associated with adds. So, never place pop-up windows on your website. If you have information that you wish your readers to see, make it easy to access. But don’t force them to read it by throwing it to their face.

No search engine

Say that I am a person surfing your website and I want to find a specific piece of information on it. Well, the easiest way for me to do so should be by typing in the information on your search engine. Oh, you don’t have one? Well, that made me type that information in Google or Bing search engine, which probably leads me off from your website. Do you see the mistake you’ve made? In order to make finding information on your website easier, you need to have a search engine. A simple box where I can type in my research will make surfing your website much easier and enjoyable. Especially if that search box is present on every page on your website.

A good search engine is hard to make. But, it can be quite useful especially if you have a lot of information on your website.

Alt: Search engine optimization.

Comic Sans

This one is more of personal preference, but it still needs to get mentioned. During your website design, you will need to choose a font for the letters. Now, as you will soon learn, there are seemingly countless fonts that you can choose and each of them has their pros and cons. Your font needs to be in line with the theme of your website, and it is usually a good idea to let a professional choose it. But, if you do decide to choose a font on your own, please, for the love of God, do not choose Comic Sans. This font has been so overused that it has become the tackiest font out there. No person should ever use Comic Sans, as it is the trademark of bad websites.

Managing your website

Setting up your website properly is absolutely vital. But managing it is also quite important. Which is why most people opt for going to websites like wpfullcare.com and hiring professionals. Especially if they want to arrange content on their new website so that it accommodates for updates. Remember, every website is a part of the Internet. And the Internet is always changing, always evolving. Therefore, if you do not keep up with the changes, your website will soon become obsolete.

Keeping it simple

One of the best pieces of advice I can give you is that you should keep your website simple. This doesn’t mean that it cannot have multiple pages, payments systems or interactive elements, far from so. What it means is that the programming and the design behind your website need to be simple and clean. This will make updating your website and fixing it (if need be) much easier. The best way to achieve this elegant simplicity is to carefully plan your website before you start making it. There are companies that offer personalized support for your website and where you can get assistance in keeping it well organized and easy to use. 

Figure out how to arrange content on your new website so that it is simple and elegant.

Alt: A person making a layout of a website.

Keeping it up to date

Keeping your website up to date is not only necessary for its relevance, but also for its safety. This is why you should consider hiring a premium service to keep the website up-to-date. That way you can rest assured that your website is well maintained and that there is no chance of someone hacking your website and doing you harm. Furthermore, if you do not update your website, aspects of it can become incompatible with the modern browsers, which will make your website inefficient and difficult to use.

Know your audience

As you develop and run your website, you will soon learn who your audience is. Now, you can choose to do nothing with this information, but I advise against it. By knowing who your audience is you can rework your website and make it more suited for them. You can arrange content on your new website so that it suits their train of thought and their needs. This will not only make your e-commerce user experience better. But it will also make your website more friendly to use, which will make it more popular. Not a lot of people commit themselves to do this as it can require quite a bit of work and understanding. But, then again, there are not that many websites that are intuitive and easy to use. So, if you want to have a top-notch website, you need to be ready to go the extra mile.