Rafi Chowdhury


Weed consumers nowadays want to grow their cannabis indoors. This is because they know they do not have to rely on the weed selling stores, weed prices to get the product. They can easily get it from their houses. However, the question which runs through the minds of many consumers is ‘How long does it take to grow weed indoors?’ Some individuals tend to be impatient since they want to consume or use the product whenever they need it.

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But, before signing up for it, if you are intending to grow weed indoors, you need to be fully informed of the amount of time it takes to have a fully grown weed plant. Conversely, you need to be patient about it and follow and adhere to the procedure of growing weed indoors to yield a good product.

If you guarantee to follow the tutorial prepared by weed experts from Best Pot, be rest assured that you will get a good product. Do not ask yourself ‘How fast does weed grow?’ In this article, we are going to discuss and explain to you how does weed grow.

Cannabis indoor grow usually takes 3-5 months

Once you sign up to be a marijuana grower, you need to know about the whole weed growing process. You need to know what you need to start growing weed indoors. You also need to know how long does it take for marijuana to bud. On an average scale, the amount of time taken to grow cannabis indoors is usually about three to five months. But in real sense, when you plant your weed and expect to smoke your harvest, it can take about seven months. Hence, when you seek to consult a marijuana grower about the time it takes, most of them will not give you the correct answer.

This is because there are many factors which do affect the amount of time it takes to have your weed bud(s). They may include your setup, your strain, and the size you intend to grow your plant. A bigger plant requires more time. However, all in all, the average amount of time it takes to grow a cannabis plant indoors is three to five months. This incorporates the amount of time you need to grow your weed plant from a seedling to a harvest. Additionally, it includes an extra minimum of two weeks to treat the weed buds after harvesting.

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Before cannabis growing

Before you start the growing process, you need to get the seeds and the equipment you will need. You can purchase your supplies and wait for them to be delivered to you. This usually takes around two weeks. Once the equipment has been delivered, you then need to setup the supplies and your area of growth. The amount of time you take to purchase your supplies and setting up the growing area determines when will you be ready to start growing your marijuana indoors.

For the seeds, you can purchase them from a weed grower. You can also order them from a seed bank. This, however, takes around four weeks. But, if you order from a weed grower, you will be able to start growing soon.

Growing timeline from seedling to harvesting

The total amount of time it takes to grow a cannabis plant from a seedling to harvest is around five months. The first stage is growing your seeds.  This takes around a week. The seedlings bud or shoot after 4-6 days. Afterwards, they then proceed to the vegetative stage. Many growers may wonder ‘How long from seedling to vegetative?’ It takes around three months to be precise.

However, it all depends on your personal preference. Some marijuana plants require around three weeks in this stage before they get to the next one which is the flowering stage. Also, such plants require you to choose how long they will remain in the vegetative stage. Many growers prefer their plants staying in the vegetative stage for a few weeks or months.

The amount of time your plant takes in the vegetative stage determines the size of your final yield. Many people may begin to question ‘How much weed does one plant produce?’ This depends on the size your cannabis plant reaches while in the vegetative stage. Smaller plants produce smaller bud sites and bigger plants yield bigger bud sites. Nevertheless, you need to have enough light covering the bud sites. If not, they will not nurture properly. Light is essential in growing weed buds.

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Flowering stage

The flowering stage is the next stage after the vegetative stage. In this stage, there are different processes involved before you get your harvest. So, do not worry about how long from seed to harvest. The time the weed strain takes to start flowering depends on its size. For a short weed strain, it can take around six to eight weeks. For a medium one, it can take around eight to twelve weeks. And, for a long one, it can take around twelve to fourteen weeks or more. Below is a breakdown of the whole flowering process.

  • In the first three weeks the bud transitions from its vegetative stage to flowering stage.
  • Between week three and four, the budlets begin to form.
  • In the fourth and sixth week, the buds begin to stuff or fatten up.
  • Between the sixth and eighth week, the buds begin to ripen while the pistils become obscure or darken. For some weed strains, this may take long. This is due to the size of the weed strain.
  • In the eighth week, the flowering stage comes to an end. You can now begin the harvesting.

Dry after harvest

In the harvesting stage, there are also some processes involved. They include drying and curing. The drying process takes less than two weeks. But, this depends on the type of marijuana buds yielded. Good marijuana buds will take little time to dry. That is around four days. Additionally, you need to ensure that the plant is dried completely but not overdried. This is because it will reduce the likelihood of mold in the curing process.

The curing process takes around two to five weeks. It helps reduce the ‘speed’ effects of the buds. Hence, make it suitable and appropriate for relieving pain, treating anxiety and reducing depression feelings. Moreover, curing gets rid of the punitive taste and smell from the cut plant.

In conclusion, nowadays people opt to grow weed indoors. They do not need to rely on weed selling stores to get the product. However, if you choose to be a grower, you need to know how long it takes and what you need. This will be a good step for you to start. Above are discussed details on how long it takes to grow weed indoors and the stages and process involved to get the final product.