India is not just a home for 1.3 billion people but there are a lot of places to see here. India is the only country in the world where people of hundreds of different culture live. If you are planning to visit India then you must learn about the basic words and sentences that can be used to communicate with local people. While English is an international language, Hindi is the most spoken language in India (60% of India’s population speak Hindi). You can also learn Hindi through English which makes the learning easy and interesting. Also, you can easily convert your English text to Hindi online.
In this post we have posted some Hindi words related to travel which can be used to communicate with drivers, hotel staff, shopkeepers, local people and more. By learning these words you will be able to have basic Hindi conversation with anyone without any problem. Not only for travellers, but you should also learn basic Hindi words to know about this language. It is always good to learn a language that you don’t know, so why not to learn basic Hindi words before visiting India.
Not only English to Hindi, but you can also learn Hindi words in other languages. Google Translate works best to translate basic Hindi words in Tamil and vice versa. So don’t wait and learn basic Hindi words for beginners from below.
Basic Hindi Words, Phrases and Sentences
You might need to learn Hindi common phrases in India to keep yourself going. From arrival to departure, you will need to say a lot of Hindi words to get through your day. You don’t necessarily need to learn complete language but learning a few words will do the work. You must know how to say goodbye in Hindi or Hello.
- Hello – नमस्ते
- Yes – हा
- No – नहीं
- Thank You – धन्यवाद
- Please – कृपया
- What is your name? – आपका नाम क्या है ?
- Delicious – स्वादिष्ट
- How Much? – कितना?
- Do you speak __? – क्या आप __ बोलते है?
- Clothes – कपडे
- Nice to meet you – आपसे मिल कर अच्छा लगा
- Where is toilet/bus stand/station? – टॉयलेट/बस स्टैंड/स्टेशन कहा है?
- Can you help me? – क्या आप मेरी मदद कर सकते है?
- I did not understand – मुझे समज नहीं आया
- Cool/nice/alright – बढ़िया
- Drugstore/Pharmacy – दवाखाना, दवाई
7 Days of The Week In Hindi
If you really want to learn Hindi words related to travel then consider learning days of week in Hindi. It will help you to get through your tour easily by telling people when and where you want to reach. By using these words you will be able to make reservations on Flight, hotel/restaurant and transportation.
- Monday – सोमवार
- Tuesday – मंगलवार
- Wednesday – बुधवार
- Thursday – गुरुवार
- Friday – शुक्रवार
- Saturday – शनिवार
- Sunday – रविवार
Basic Hindi Numbers
You must learn basic Hindi words before visiting India that are often used, like numbers. If you know how to say numbers in Hindi, then you can easily negotiate with shop keepers, drivers, hotels etc. Below is a list of numbers in Hindi which everyone should know about before visiting India.
1 | एक |
2 | दो |
3 | तीन |
4 | चार |
5 | पांच |
6 | छह |
7 | सात |
8 | आठ |
9 | नौ |
10 | दस |
100 | सौ |
1000 | हज़ार |
Basic Shopping Hindi Words
You can’t convert phrases English to Hindi while shopping or traveling, that’s why you should learn Hindi shopping words to make the process easier. By using below phrases, you will be able to communicate with most of the local people that understands and speak Hindi.
- It’s too expensive – यह बहुत महंगा है
- I don’t want – नहीं चाहिए
- What is the cost of this? – ये कितने का है
- I want this one – मुझे ये चाहिए
- Where can I find you? – आप कहा मिलेंगे
- I’ll meet you at __ – मैं __ मिलुंगा(male), मिलूंगी(female)
Basic Hindi Food Words
Food is another basic thing which you will need while travelling. If you won’t know how to say basic food words in Hindi, then you won’t be able to have basic Hindi conversation with anyone. At restaurants, in local market, at hotels, airports and where not, food is everywhere and by learning below Hindi words about food, you can easily get around.
- I am hungry – मुझे भूख लगी है
- Food – खाना
- Water – पानी
- Tea – चाय
- Breakfast – नाश्ता
- Rice – चावल
- Egg – अंडा
- Fruits – फल
- Time – समय
- Ok – ठीक है
- Big – बड़ा
- Small – छोटा
- Today – आज
- Tomorrow – कल
- Morning – सुबह
- Afternoon – दोपहर
- Evening – शाम
- Night – रात
- Day – दिन
- Week – हफ्ते
- Month – महीने
- Year – साल
Basic Hindi Words For Getting Around
Apart from food, travel and places you must also learn about Hindi words that are used while travelling. Doesn’t matter if you want to address a person or place you can always use the words mentioned below while travelling to India. These words can be used while asking/directing directions.
- Stop – रुको/रुकिए
- Left – बाए
- Right – दाए
- Straight – सीधा
- Here – यहाँ
- There – वहां
- Where – कहाँ
- Who – कौन
- Bath – नहाना
Final Words
It is always recommended to learn basic Hindi words before you visit India. It not only helps you with easy communication, but it will help you to save your time and resources. There are many websites which are offering basic Hindi words with English meaning PDF but there is no need to download that when everything is available online.
Though we have mentioned all of the words that you must learn about Hindi, but if you are unable to get something, then consider using online tools like Google Translate. Apart from that check out the above list for basic Hindi phrases to learn in 2019. If you want to recommend a word, phrase or sentence then let us know about it via comments below.