Rafi Chowdhury

Employees who feel appreciated will also feel valued.

The more that they feel valued, they’re more likely to go above the fold for your business. They’ll also hold themselves more accountable for a specific project.

They’re happier with their roles, and they’re less likely to leave.

At the end of the day, you want to create a culture that will support your employees and allowing them to produce excellent work.

That’s why in this post, we’ve come up with six simple ways on how you can make your employees feel valued.

Be honest and transparent

Honesty is essential, but sometimes it’s easier said than done. But the thing is, you need to talk to people about bad news. You sometimes need to engage them with difficult conversations to show that you care enough even to deliver the hard truth.

Giving honest and transparent feedback will help you get respect for your employees and get the best results possible.

Provide professional growth and learning opportunities

Investing in your employees indeed shows that you appreciate them. It also gives off the message that you want them in your organization in the long run. There are different ways how to do this. From letting them participate in conferences, sending them to business trips, paying up for skill courses, and more.

If you want to foster internal growth, give them more responsibility, then provide them the means to succeed in that particular role.

Showing that you care can sometimes be a tad expensive, especially if this is done outside of the workplace. But this can still be a rewarding experience for your company and your employee at the same time.

Appreciate your employees in public

Show your employees your appreciation in public. Appreciation doesn’t have to come in big gestures. Even making simple gestures for them can matter, like a simple “thank you,” or a commending them for their efforts in their team. Those small gestures can already make a big impression.

The individuals that are doing excellent work can be the ones that needed more recognition. Therefore, make your employees feel valued by making them feel that you appreciate what they’re doing.

Provide a great work environment

The work environment that your employees thrive in can significantly impact their mood, productivity, and performance. If an employee is working in an uninspiring office setting with unfriendly co-workers, they will feel less motivated at work.

They’ll feel less confident to speak up. That’s why creating a productive work environment is essential to the success of your company.

Also, maintaining a clean workplace will make your staff members feel safe, healthy, and more productive. Although there will be times of putting off different types of cleaning in your workplace, employees are at risk of suffering illness or injury. It can impact their performance levels in the office, and even cause productivity to dip.

Encourage and acknowledge their feedback

Feedback is recognition’s counterpart. When you give your team plenty of positive feedback for more than negative ones, they’ll feel that their hard work is well appreciated.

In the long run, it could also help them be more welcoming with constructive criticism. Deep down, they know that they’re being valued, and not criticized.

Communicate well frequently

Another aspect that would help employees feel more appreciated is through building relationships with them through communication that is both effective and supportive.

While it’s quite understandable that you have a lot of responsibilities, and you could easily get caught up with your own work as well, one of the best ways to show your appreciation that you appreciate them is to make time for them.

But how? By taking the time to connect and communicate.

When you’re speaking with employees, make sure that they’re bringing in something to the table.

This can be made possible through everyday conversations, which is a great tool for building rapport. Go beyond the usual discussions that you would make and highlight their value to the company.

The more that you learn to recognize your employee’s contributions to the team, the more appreciated and valued they would feel.

The Bottomline

Before your employees could believe and care about your company values, and start seeing a long-term vision for your organization, you first need to learn to see each one as a person. They’re more than just an “employee” that will carry out all your to-do lists.

They also need to feel that their company is also invested in them, and appreciates them for their efforts. Once you get to show your employees how much you value them, then it’s going to be a win-win in the end. There’s nothing that they won’t strive to accomplish for you and your team.

About the Author – Raymond Chiu is the Director of Operations for Maid Sailors Office Cleaning, a trusted cleaning services provider in New York. Maid Sailors offers its customers unrivaled office cleaning services that can address even the toughest cleaning needs. Matched with affordable prices, Maid Sailors is your best partner in helping you turn your office into a work-friendly workplace.