The quality of the work environment has a huge impact on our performance at work, as well as our mood and level of motivation. When we are working in uncomfortable surroundings with substandard equipment and unfriendly colleagues, it’s unlikely that we will feel motivated or engaged in our work. This leads to inefficiency and low productivity which are the enemies of a successful workforce. To prevent this state of affairs, you should invest time and money into creating a work environment for your staff which is engaging and supportive. Here are 4 ways to improve the office environment and boost employee engagement.
Recruit with Care
In many ways, the work environment is made or broken by the people in your team, which is why it’s essential that you hire the right people for your team dynamic. Your new employees should be team players who are willing to go the extra mile to help their colleagues. When you have self-interested and negative influences in a team, the toxicity can spread very quickly. When you feel you have an employee with a toxic attitude or who is causing friction in the team, you should take steps to prevent them from affecting the work ethic of everyone else.
Maximize Natural Light
The quality of the lighting in our work environment has a significant impact on mood, energy levels and our ability to concentrate on tasks. Natural light is by far the best, so if possible, you should try to maximize the natural light in the office through windows and skylights. If you cannot introduce natural light, you can buy special bulbs which emulate natural light and have been shown to lower fatigue and boost productivity.
Encourage Communication
Clear communication is key to ensuring your team is motivated and supported in their work. This ranges from regular praise, encouragement and positive feedback to constructive criticism — so they can improve their performance where appropriate. The way you provide this feedback is crucial as you need to ensure that your employees are aware of their role and purpose in the organization and of the wider ambition of the company. When employees understand how they are contributing to the business, they are more likely to feel valued.
On the other side, it’s also important to ensure that you ask your staff for their opinions and feelings about their role, their team and the organization in general. Using employee engagement software UK, you can collate and analyze feedback from your employees on a regular basis to improve your work environment and operations. If you can involve your employees in decisions which affect them, even better.
Improve Comfort Levels
To give your employees the best working conditions, you need to invest in comfortable but functional furniture, modern computer technology, effective software, as well as a range of other items which might improve the work environment. For example, some companies are investing in sit-stand desks to give employees the option to work in the most comfortable position. Give your staff the opportunity to customize the office in some way, such as letting them design the break area, as this has the added benefit of showing them you trust them to make important decisions.