Rafi Chowdhury

With the new year just over the horizon, it’s time to look back at 2019 and remember all of the setbacks, successes, and opportunities. Look at your company’s growth, the decisions you’ve made, and everything you’ve learned for a better 2020. When we move into the new year, it’s time to get your hands on some new software to help boost your online business. Let’s make 2020 the best year yet for your online business by acquiring these three types of software for a more efficient business experience.

CRM Software

CRM, or customer relationship management software, is a crucial component of many successful businesses. CRM software makes the monumental task of managing customer data and interactions simpler, more streamlined, and more organized. CRM software is utilized by large organizations and small businesses alike, but why do you need it?

CRM software connects all aspects of the business within one platform, making it easier to track sales, customer information, and more. Once your business’s information is united under one software platform, you’ll have access to some of the most valuable information you can get your hands on. The old days of writing down customer information on a piece of paper are long past, as digital technology has improved the way we store and share information.

CRM software helps coordinate, organize, and unify your team as well. With everyone on the same page, you’ll find your business flowing better than ever; making more money, improving relationships with customers, and streamlining your operations. If you’re running an online store in 2020, CRM software is simply a must. 

Companies that successfully leverage their CRM data are more successful and have better relationships with their customers, as well as more efficient teams. There are hundreds of options available for CRM software. If you’re looking for the best CRM tool for your business, start here.

POS Software

One of the most powerful and versatile tools available to the modern business owner is the POS system. A POS, or point of sale system is a payment processing tool that also has features that can help you manage inventory, employees, analytics data, and more. Where before, payment processing involved the simple exchange of currency or swipe of a card, it’s now a more in-depth process that involves collecting data, engaging with customers, and utilizing the transaction to earn the loyalty of your customers. Only the modern POS system can do this and more, boosting your business efforts and creating new opportunities for growth. The best POS systems on the market are responsible for thousands of businesses rising to the top of their industries and revolutionizing the way payment processing is completed.

If you’re having inventory trouble, a POS system can help you get things back on track. Real-time inventory management means greater accuracy in your stock counts, and the ability to sync with catalog software means never running out of your customer’s favorite products. Not to mention, a POS system will collect data on each and every transaction; data that you can review later and analyze for better decisions later on.

POS systems have been designed for just about every industry, but there are industry-specific options for restaurant and bar owners and retail stores. When you’re searching for your next POS system, keep in mind what features you need for your business and don’t be distracted by all of the costly extras. Implementing POS software in your online business will help you provide a safer, more secure payment processing option for your customers and change the way your business operates on a daily basis.

Google Analytics

When you’re running a website, Google’s analytics tool can be one of your greatest allies. This incredible service will help you monitor your site’s performance and understand the traffic that visits it on a daily basis. The more you understand about why people are visiting your site and when, as well as why they might be navigating away from it, the better the decisions you can make about improving it.

Google Analytics is a free tool, so you won’t have to put up an initial investment to benefit from the service. It’s also automatic; meaning it’s constantly collecting data in the background. Your reports can be completely customized to answer specific questions, and Google is easily integrated with other tools and services for a versatile and affordable option. Make no mistake; if you’re running a website in 2020, this is one tool you absolutely must have.

Google Analytics will also help you narrow down the demographics of your visitors; helping you identify exactly who your target audience is. This invaluable information can make your business more efficient when it comes to marketing, providing the ideal target for your marketing efforts and increasing the chance of an ROI.